A novelist should never be trusted to tell the truth about his own life — not because he is necessarily prone to lying, but because he is incapable of descending to factuality.
But now that you’ve been warned…
I was educated in sound American mores, cultivated through the wisdom and art of our Western Culture, and converted to Orthodox Christianity in due time. Born in the shadow of the Sawtooth mountains of Idaho, raised in the Arizona desert, and schooled in the Great Books Tradition of St. John’s College in New Mexico, I haunted the old frontier lands before finally skipping shores altogether and landing on the Mediterranean island of Ichnusa. Here, I and my family have built a straw-bale house with our own hands and started a small family farm.
I consider myself neither patriot nor ex-patriot. I am a proud son of the Great American West, and if that spirit finally bore me back to Europe, it is only because the true frontier of our present moment is constituted by what we have forgotten in our past. I sought its fallen outposts and half-buried merestones where they were yet visible.
Nourished by these climes and inspired by these traditions, I write poetry, fiction and non-fiction. I am the author of several books due for near publication (please subscribe to my newsletter for updates), and my poems and short fiction will be published on this site for perusal by whomever has the time and the desire.
So please have a look around. Take your time, sign up for my newsletter, and feel free to get in touch!